Institutional Services

About our establishment

As your investment partner, we guarantee the highest level of security and compliance to you and your clients. We work with you to build a solution, based on the understanding of your core business, to ensure the best results for you and your clients.

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Partner with Beta-Tech

  • Discretionary Management Platform

  • Crypto Staking, Lending & Custody

  • Global Custody Services

  • Institutional Brokerage

  • APIs & White Label

Improving Business and Improving the Future Together

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already making inroads worldwide in health, education and industry, and this cutting-edge technology can help the world combat and mitigate the effects of climate change, de-forestation and Bio-diveristy.

The recent launch of the UN-led AI Advisory Body advanced a growing global trend to harness machine learning to find solutions to common challenges. AI is upping the data crunching game and a growing number of governments, businesses and civil society partners are working together to reap its many benefits.

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