Portfolios that work for you, not the other way around

Portfolios that work for you, not the other way around

Start investing in EUR or GBP with our 30-day Trial

Start investing in EUR or GBP with our 30-day Trial

What is A Smart Portfolio?

BetaTech’s Smart AI Portfolios are designed to put your investments on track for the long-term. Choose a risk profile, fund your account with the level your comfortable joining with.

Your portfolio is continuously monitored by our AI powered technology as well as a dedicated asset manager to ensure diversification, and regularly rebalanced to keep you invested in assets that match with the risk profile you have selected. And with online access to your account valuation, you will always know exactly where you stand.

BetaTech’s Smart AI Portfolios are designed to put your investments on track for the long-term. Choose a risk profile, fund your account with the level your comfortable joining with.

Your portfolio is continuously monitored by our AI powered technology as well as a dedicated asset manager to ensure diversification, and regularly rebalanced to keep you invested in assets that match with the risk profile you have selected. And with online access to your account valuation, you will always know exactly where you stand.

Investment Profiles to Match Your Objectives

  • Defensive Portfolio

  • Moderate Portfolio

  • Growth Portfolio

  • Sustainable Multi-Asset

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